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The United States, Japan and the ROK express strong opposition to the DPRK's satellite launch plan

Publisher:This station

Publish Time:2018-10-13 14:49:36

local time12month1day,The spokesman of the Korean Space Technology Commission said,North Korea will10Solstice22Daytime launch satellite。The picture shows the photos of overlooking the North Korean satellite launch site released by foreign media recently。

  Comprehensive report,Spokesman of the Korean Space Technology Commission12month1Announced on,The DPRK will12month10Solstice22Daytime launch of practical satellites made by our own strength and technology,The move triggered strong reactions from the United States, Japan and South Korea。

North Korea claims to comply with international regulations when launching for peaceful purposes

Spokesman of the Korean Space Technology Commission12month1Speak on,Is called following Kim Jong Il's last words,North Korea will launch a practical satellite made by its own strength and technology。

In conversation,North Korean science and technology workers conduct in-depth analysis this year4Problems in the launch of satellites in the month、Work to improve the safety and accuracy of satellites and launch vehicles,Completed the preparation for launching the satellite。North Korea has set a safe flight path,To avoid the impact of the debris of carrier rocket generated during satellite launch on the surrounding countries。

The conversation also pointed out that,Through this year4Monthly satellite launch process,North Korea has guaranteed the transparency of launching peaceful scientific and technological satellites to the greatest extent,It has enhanced international trust in the field of space science research and satellite launch。During this satellite launch,The DPRK will also fully comply with relevant international regulations and practices。

North Korea has always maintained that it is not testing missiles,But launch satellites。North Korean delegate this year10month19Present on67Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly“Peaceful use of space”Discussion of,Said in the speech,North Korea's efforts to develop the universe are the exercise of independent rights by a sovereign state,As a cosmic treaty and《Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space》Countries concerned,Exercise legal rights in accordance with international law。

The representative of the DPRK said,Some countries advocate that,North Korea cannot launch with ballistic missile technology,Therefore, the Peace Satellite cannot be launched。In this regard, the DPRK believes that,In the peaceful use of space,To ensure that all countries exercise equal sovereignty,It is very important to popularize advanced science and technology and cooperate with each other。He also said,The DPRK firmly opposes the militarization of the universe and the politicization of space technology cooperation。

U.S.A:North Korea's Satellite Launch Again Will Threaten Regional Peace

   Victoria, Spokesman of the State Department·Newland1The Japanese warned,The DPRK launched the satellite again“A highly provocative act”,Will endanger regional peace and security。

Newland issued a written statement saying that,Any use of ballistic missile technology by the DPRK to launch satellites will directly violate the UN Security Council's1718No. and No1874Resolution;The Security Council was in North Korea4After the launch of the satellite in January, the President's statement stated that,If North Korea launches a satellite again,The Security Council will take corresponding action。

Newland urged North Korea to fully comply with its obligations under relevant Security Council resolutions,Claim that the United States is maintaining close consultations with other six parties on the North Korean nuclear issue and other major allies and partners on the next step。

Japanese Prime Minister Calls on North Korea to Cancel Satellite Launch Program

Kyodo News Agency1Daily newspaper,Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda called on North Korea to cancel the satellite launch scheduled for this month on the same day。

as report goes,Noda asked all government departments to fully collect、Analyze the information of Korean satellite launch,And consult and cooperate with some countries on this issue。

Japan and North Korea5Day and6Director level consultations will be held in Beijing,Satellite launch will become one of the topics。before ,The Ministry of Defense of Japan has decided,The Korean satellite enters Japanese territory、Intercept in territorial waters。

The Japanese media quoted the analysis of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan as saying that,Since Japan and South Korea will hold general elections in the middle of this month,North Korea's decision to launch a satellite at this time is suspected of holding back Japan and South Korea。

Han said“Serious concern” Keep alert

Yonhap News Agency reported that,stay12month1After the DPRK announced that it would launch a satellite this month,The South Korean side said on this matter“Serious concern”。Seoul Warnings,If North Korea advances the launch plan,Or trigger the international community“Strong reaction”。

According to the previous report,The Korean government believes that,North Korea may try to12Before and after the presidential election day in mid August“Provoke”,Therefore, we need to strengthen the vigilance。

the republic of korea《Central Daily》report,11month22day,ROK Defense Minister Kim Kwan jin visited the ROK Three Forces Command,And said that North Korea may hold the election before and after the South Korean election“provocation”,The ROK should take thorough precautions。

South Korean government and military officials said,It has been learned that North Korea has delivered goods, which is presumed to be“Missile parts”Action by。A South Korean military official said in this regard,Is closely watching whether North Korea is preparing for launch。

Korean media11month26Japanese name,South Korea and the United States conclude that North Korea has begun to prepare“Test missile”。the near future,The speculation of Korean media is increasingly intensive,It was even thought that the earliest possible test shot was11month29day,And South Korea's first launch vehicle“Naro ”The scheduled launch time of No。The ROK believes that,The purpose of North Korea is to“combat”“Naro ”The launch of。however,at present,“Naro ”No. due to failure,Launch has been delayed。

《asahi shimbun 》Analysis indicates that,Because South Korea will12The presidential election will be held in August,Japan DPRK Director level Consultation11At the beginning of the month,The next South Korean government is likely to want to restart the inter Korean dialogue。together with2013year1month,Obama will usher in his second term,In this context,North Korea such as“Test missile”,It will cause dissatisfaction and concern of the United States, South Korea, Japan and other countries。

The United States, Japan and the ROK express strong opposition to the DPRK's satellite launch plan

Publisher:This station

Publish Time:2018-10-13 14:49:36

local time12month1day,The spokesman of the Korean Space Technology Commission said,North Korea will10Solstice22Daytime launch satellite。The picture shows the photos of overlooking the North Korean satellite launch site released by foreign media recently。

  Comprehensive report,Spokesman of the Korean Space Technology Commission12month1Announced on,The DPRK will12month10Solstice22Daytime launch of practical satellites made by our own strength and technology,The move triggered strong reactions from the United States, Japan and South Korea。

North Korea claims to comply with international regulations when launching for peaceful purposes

Spokesman of the Korean Space Technology Commission12month1Speak on,Is called following Kim Jong Il's last words,North Korea will launch a practical satellite made by its own strength and technology。

In conversation,North Korean science and technology workers conduct in-depth analysis this year4Problems in the launch of satellites in the month、Work to improve the safety and accuracy of satellites and launch vehicles,Completed the preparation for launching the satellite。North Korea has set a safe flight path,To avoid the impact of the debris of carrier rocket generated during satellite launch on the surrounding countries。

The conversation also pointed out that,Through this year4Monthly satellite launch process,North Korea has guaranteed the transparency of launching peaceful scientific and technological satellites to the greatest extent,It has enhanced international trust in the field of space science research and satellite launch。During this satellite launch,The DPRK will also fully comply with relevant international regulations and practices。

North Korea has always maintained that it is not testing missiles,But launch satellites。North Korean delegate this year10month19Present on67Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly“Peaceful use of space”Discussion of,Said in the speech,North Korea's efforts to develop the universe are the exercise of independent rights by a sovereign state,As a cosmic treaty and《Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space》Countries concerned,Exercise legal rights in accordance with international law。

The representative of the DPRK said,Some countries advocate that,North Korea cannot launch with ballistic missile technology,Therefore, the Peace Satellite cannot be launched。In this regard, the DPRK believes that,In the peaceful use of space,To ensure that all countries exercise equal sovereignty,It is very important to popularize advanced science and technology and cooperate with each other。He also said,The DPRK firmly opposes the militarization of the universe and the politicization of space technology cooperation。

U.S.A:North Korea's Satellite Launch Again Will Threaten Regional Peace

   Victoria, Spokesman of the State Department·Newland1The Japanese warned,The DPRK launched the satellite again“A highly provocative act”,Will endanger regional peace and security。

Newland issued a written statement saying that,Any use of ballistic missile technology by the DPRK to launch satellites will directly violate the UN Security Council's1718No. and No1874Resolution;The Security Council was in North Korea4After the launch of the satellite in January, the President's statement stated that,If North Korea launches a satellite again,The Security Council will take corresponding action。

Newland urged North Korea to fully comply with its obligations under relevant Security Council resolutions,Claim that the United States is maintaining close consultations with other six parties on the North Korean nuclear issue and other major allies and partners on the next step。

Japanese Prime Minister Calls on North Korea to Cancel Satellite Launch Program

Kyodo News Agency1Daily newspaper,Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda called on North Korea to cancel the satellite launch scheduled for this month on the same day。

as report goes,Noda asked all government departments to fully collect、Analyze the information of Korean satellite launch,And consult and cooperate with some countries on this issue。

Japan and North Korea5Day and6Director level consultations will be held in Beijing,Satellite launch will become one of the topics。before ,The Ministry of Defense of Japan has decided,The Korean satellite enters Japanese territory、Intercept in territorial waters。

The Japanese media quoted the analysis of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan as saying that,Since Japan and South Korea will hold general elections in the middle of this month,North Korea's decision to launch a satellite at this time is suspected of holding back Japan and South Korea。

Han said“Serious concern” Keep alert

Yonhap News Agency reported that,stay12month1After the DPRK announced that it would launch a satellite this month,The South Korean side said on this matter“Serious concern”。Seoul Warnings,If North Korea advances the launch plan,Or trigger the international community“Strong reaction”。

According to the previous report,The Korean government believes that,North Korea may try to12Before and after the presidential election day in mid August“Provoke”,Therefore, we need to strengthen the vigilance。

the republic of korea《Central Daily》report,11month22day,ROK Defense Minister Kim Kwan jin visited the ROK Three Forces Command,And said that North Korea may hold the election before and after the South Korean election“provocation”,The ROK should take thorough precautions。

South Korean government and military officials said,It has been learned that North Korea has delivered goods, which is presumed to be“Missile parts”Action by。A South Korean military official said in this regard,Is closely watching whether North Korea is preparing for launch。

Korean media11month26Japanese name,South Korea and the United States conclude that North Korea has begun to prepare“Test missile”。the near future,The speculation of Korean media is increasingly intensive,It was even thought that the earliest possible test shot was11month29day,And South Korea's first launch vehicle“Naro ”The scheduled launch time of No。The ROK believes that,The purpose of North Korea is to“combat”“Naro ”The launch of。however,at present,“Naro ”No. due to failure,Launch has been delayed。

《asahi shimbun 》Analysis indicates that,Because South Korea will12The presidential election will be held in August,Japan DPRK Director level Consultation11At the beginning of the month,The next South Korean government is likely to want to restart the inter Korean dialogue。together with2013year1month,Obama will usher in his second term,In this context,North Korea such as“Test missile”,It will cause dissatisfaction and concern of the United States, South Korea, Japan and other countries。

Pre:South Korean media reported that North Korea launched three short-range missiles at different times on the 18th

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